Our Values

Our Values describe what’s important to us all at Battersea and what we can expect from each other in all our interactions and in our work, as individuals, as teams, and everyone we come into contact with.


We care wholeheartedly to be here for every dog and cat, and the work we each do to achieve this.
  • Are proud ambassadors for Battersea.
  • Are optimistic about what we are working to achieve and are committed to it.
  • Are committed to trying our best at everything we do, every day.
  • All understand and can explain how our role connects to helping more dogs and cats.
  • Are ethical and act with integrity in our ways of working and decisions we take.
  • Are empathetic and supportive to each other.
  • Bring enthusiasm to all we do.


We are experts at what we do, focusing on continual improvement, learning and growing our expertise, so we can all be the best we can be.
  • Ensure everything we do provides a great service and delivers value and impact forour customers, colleagues, supporters and volunteers.
  • Set high standards and always try to improve our performance, developing ourselves and learning from others.
  • Aim for excellence, balancing this with pragmatism.
  • Strive to bring creativity and innovation to our work to improve the way we do things.
  • Make sure that our priorities are helping to deliver Battersea’s objectives.
  • Take ownership to develop our own and others’ expertise so we can deliver Battersea’s goals.


We stay focused and solve problems to achieve our goals and our mission to be here for every dog an cat.
  • Are positive about change and the opportunities this can bring to have more impact for dogs and cats.
  • Stay focussed on our goals, manage our time effectively and make sure we are spending time on the right things to achieve results.
  • Are ambitious in our plans, continually looking towards the next goal.
  • Don’t shy away from a challenge if solving it will improve the lives of dogs & cats.


We treat one another with respect, just as we treat every dog and cat with respect.
  • Empower and trust each other and give ourselves space to do our best work.
  • Are great team members and colleagues. We respect each other's expertise, value the contribution of others and take opportunities to show appreciation.
  • Are authentic, honest and approachable in all we do.
  • Understand how our behaviour impacts upon others.
  • We are open, transparent and accountable, acknowledging and learning from our mistakes.


We champion diversity in all its forms, so that everyone can be themselves and feel valued and included.
  • Actively work to ensure that everyone we come into contact with feels included and welcomed at Battersea.
  • Want everyone to be comfortable being open about who they are.
  • Strive to ensure everyone who works or volunteers with us can achieve their full potential.
  • Recognise that we all benefit from diversity of thought and welcome different perspectives.
  • Embrace the benefits that diversity brings and role model this through our language and behaviour.
  • Contribute to creating a team environment where everyone feels happy, trusted and safe.


We understand that by working together across teams and with our partners, we achieve more for dogs and cats.
  • Work as a team, recognising, trusting and valuing everyone’s role and contribution in delivering our aims.
  • Look for opportunities to collaborate with others across Battersea to achieve our shared purpos.
  • Are clear about our shared priorities and understand how our plans impact upon others.
  • Connect and share information, knowledge and ideas for the future.
  • Ensure that staff and volunteers work together to achieve our aims.
  • Recognise the benefits that collaborative working brings for creativity and innovation.
  • Work across the sector and with partners to create greater impact.